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Api reference

API Member Reference

The complete Ragdoll API. 🙋‍♂️

from maya import cmds
import ragdoll.api as rd

box = cmds.polyCube()

solver = rd.createSolver()
marker = rd.assignMarker(box[0], solver)

Function Description
createSolver Create a new rdSolver node
createGroup Create a new group under solver with name and opts
assignMarkers Assign markers to transforms belonging to solver
assignMarker Convenience function for passing and recieving a single transform
createDistanceConstraint Create a new distance constraint between parent and child
createPinConstraint Create a new constraint for parent and optionally parent
createFixedConstraint Create a new fixed constraint between parent and child
linkSolver Link solver a with b
unlinkSolver Unlink solver
retargetMarker Retarget marker to transform
untargetMarker Remove parent from child
reparentMarker Make new_parent the new parent of child
unparentMarker Remove parent from child
replaceMesh Replace the 'Mesh' shape type in marker with mesh.
assignCollisionGroup Assign markers to a new collision group
addToCollisionGroup Assign markers to a new collision group
removeFromCollisionGroup Assign markers to a new collision group
exportPhysics Export everything Ragdoll-related into fname
importPhysics Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file
updatePhysics Update existing physics from an exported Ragdoll file
recordPhysics Transfer simulation from solver to animation land
reinterpretPhysics Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file
loadPhysics Create a Maya scene from an exported Ragdoll file
extractPhysics Generate an animated joint hierarchy from solver
deletePhysics Delete Ragdoll from anything related to nodes
deleteAllPhysics Nuke it from orbit

Argument Signatures

A more in-depth view on each function.


Create a new rdSolver node

def createSolver(name, opts):
    """Create a new rdSolver node
              /    \
          /  |      |
        /       /
      /       /

    The solver is where the magic happens. Markers are connected to it
    and solved within; populating its .outputMatrix attribute with the
    final result.

        name (str, optional): Override the default name of this solver
        opts (dict, optional): Configure the solver with these options

        frameskipMethod (int): Method to use whenever a frame is skipped,
            can be either api.FrameskipPause or api.FrameskipIgnore



Create a new group under solver with name and opts

def createGroup(solver, opts):
    """Create a new group under `solver` with `name` and `opts`

        solver (rdSolver): Owning solver of this group
        name (str, optional): A custom name for this group
        opts (dict, optional): Default attributes of this group

        selfCollide (bool): Whether or not members of this
            group should collide with each other.



Assign markers to transforms belonging to solver

def assignMarkers(transforms, solver, opts):
    """Assign markers to `transforms` belonging to `solver`

    Each marker transfers the translation and rotation of each transform
    and generates its physical equivalent, ready for recording.

        transforms (list): One or more transforms to assign markers onto
        solver (rdSolver or rdGroup): Add newly created markers to this solver
        opts (dict, optional): Options, see below

        autoLimit (bool): Transfer locked channels into physics limits
        preventIdenticalMarker (bool): Skip transforms with identical position
            and orientation, typically sub-controls.
        defaults (dict): Key/value pairs of default attribute values



Convenience function for passing and recieving a single transform

def assignMarker(transform, solver, opts):
    """Convenience function for passing and recieving a single `transform`



Create a new distance constraint between parent and child

def createDistanceConstraint(parent, child, opts):
    """Create a new distance constraint between `parent` and `child`



Create a new constraint for parent and optionally parent

def createPinConstraint(child, parent, opts):
    """Create a new constraint for `parent` and optionally `parent`

        child (rdMarker): Affected Marker
        parent (rdMarker, optional): Attach child to parent, otherwise to world
        transform (dagNode, optional): Parent the constraint shape node here
        opts (dict, optional): User options



Create a new fixed constraint between parent and child

def createFixedConstraint(parent, child, opts):
    """Create a new fixed constraint between `parent` and `child`



Link solver a with b

def linkSolver(a, b, opts):
    """Link solver `a` with `b`

    This will make `a` part of `b`, allowing markers to interact.

        a (rdSolver): The "child" solver
        b (rdSolver): The "parent" solver




Unlink solver

def unlinkSolver(solver, opts):
    """Unlink `solver`

    From any other solver it may be connected to.

        a (rdSolver): The solver to unlink from any other solver




Retarget marker to transform

def retargetMarker(marker, transform, opts):
    """Retarget `marker` to `transform`

    When recording, write simulation from `marker` onto `transform`,
    regardless of where it is assigned.



Remove parent from child

def untargetMarker(marker, opts):
    """Remove parent from `child`

    Meaning `child` will be a free marker, without a parent.



Make new_parent the new parent of child

def reparentMarker(child, parent, opts):
    """Make `new_parent` the new parent of `child`

        child (rdMarker): The marker whose about to have its parent changed
        new_parent (rdMarker): The new parent of `child`



Remove parent from child

def unparentMarker(child, opts):
    """Remove parent from `child`

    Meaning `child` will be a free marker, without a parent.



Replace the 'Mesh' shape type in marker with mesh.

def replaceMesh(marker, mesh, opts):
    """Replace the 'Mesh' shape type in `marker` with `mesh`.

        marker (cmdx.Node): Rigid whose mesh to replace
        mesh (cmdx.Node): Mesh to replace with




Assign markers to a new collision group

def assignCollisionGroup(markers, group, delete_orphans):
    """Assign `markers` to a new collision `group`

        markers (list): Markers to assign
        group (rdCollisionGroup, optional): The group to add Markers to,
            if none is given a new one is created.
        delete_orphans (bool, optional): Delete any orphaned groups



Assign markers to a new collision group

def addToCollisionGroup(markers, group, delete_orphans):
    """Assign `markers` to a new collision `group`

        markers (list): Markers to assign
        group (rdCollisionGroup, optional): The group to add Markers to,
            if none is given a new one is created.
        delete_orphans (bool, optional): Delete any orphaned groups



Assign markers to a new collision group

def removeFromCollisionGroup(markers, group, delete_orphans):
    """Assign `markers` to a new collision `group`

        markers (list): Markers to assign
        group (rdCollisionGroup, optional): The group to add Markers to,
            if none is given a new one is created.
        delete_orphans (bool, optional): Delete any orphaned groups



Export everything Ragdoll-related into fname

def exportPhysics(fname, opts):
    """Export everything Ragdoll-related into `fname`

        fname (str, optional): Write to this file,
            or console if no file is provided
        data (dict, optional): Export this dictionary instead

        data (dict): Exported data as a dictionary



Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file

def importPhysics(fname, opts):
    """Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file

    User-interface attributes like `density` and display settings
    are restored from a file otherwise mostly contains the raw
    simulation data.



Update existing physics from an exported Ragdoll file

def updatePhysics(fname, opts):
    """Update existing physics from an exported Ragdoll file



Transfer simulation from solver to animation land

def recordPhysics(solver, opts):
    """Transfer simulation from `solver` to animation land

        start_time (int, optional): Record from this time
        end_time (int, optional): Record to this time
        include (list, optional): Record these transforms only
        exclude (list, optional): Do not record these transforms
        kinematic (bool, optional): Record kinematic frames too
        maintain_offset (bool, optional): Maintain whatever offset is
            between the source and destination transforms, default
            value is True



Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file

def reinterpretPhysics(fname, opts):
    """Recreate Maya scene from exported Ragdoll file

    User-interface attributes like `density` and display settings
    are restored from a file otherwise mostly contains the raw
    simulation data.



Create a Maya scene from an exported Ragdoll file

def loadPhysics(fname, opts):
    """Create a Maya scene from an exported Ragdoll file

    New transforms are generated and then assigned Markers.



Generate an animated joint hierarchy from solver

def extractPhysics(solver, opts):
    """Generate an animated joint hierarchy from `solver`

    This will generate a new joint hierarchy and apply the full
    simulation as keyframes onto it, for a complete replica of
    the simulation in a Ragdoll-independent way.



Delete Ragdoll from anything related to nodes

def deletePhysics(nodes):
    """Delete Ragdoll from anything related to `nodes`

    This will delete anything related to Ragdoll from your scenes, including
    any attributes added (polluted) onto your animation controls.

        nodes (list): Delete physics from these nodes
        dry_run (bool, optional): Do not actually delete anything,
            but still run through the process and throw exceptions
            if any, and still return the results of what *would*
            have been deleted if it wasn't dry.



Nuke it from orbit

def deleteAllPhysics():
    """Nuke it from orbit

    Return to simpler days, days before physics, with this one command.



Some functions take constants for arguments.

from ragdoll import api
api.assign_marker(a, b, opts={"density": api.DensityFlesh})
Constant Value
FrameskipPause 0
FrameskipIgnore 1
DisplayDefault 0
DisplayWire 1
DisplayConstant 2
DisplayShaded 3
DisplayMass 4
DisplayFriction 5
DisplayRestitution 6
DisplayVelocity 7
DisplayContacts 8
InputInherit 0
InputKinematic 2
InputDynamic 3
PGSSolverType 0
TGSSolverType 1
BoxShape 0
SphereShape 1
CapsuleShape 2
MeshShape 4
ConvexHullShape 4
DensityOff 0
DensityCotton 1
DensityWood 2
DensityFlesh 3
DensityUranium 4
DensityBlackHole 5
DensityCustom 6
StartTimeRangeStart 0
StartTimeAnimationStart 1
StartTimeCustom 2
Lod0 0
Lod1 1
Lod2 2
LodCustom 3
MatchByName 0
MatchByHierarchy 1
RecordConstraintMethod 0
RecordMatchMethod 1
InputOff 3
InputGuide 3